Repeat Prescriptions
If you are on repeat prescriptions please nominate a local pharmacy to receive your electronic prescriptions. This makes the service safer and more effective in terms of time and tracking of prescriptions.
Repeat prescriptions can be ordered via the following methods:
- Clicking the link above – log-on and password are available from reception.
- In person at reception
- By letter
Many pharmacies offer an electronic service; if you are interested in this, please ask your pharmacy for further details.
Collection can be made in person at reception, however if you wish to have your prescription returned to you, please provide a stamped addressed envelope. If your pharmacy is collecting your prescription, please mark the request accordingly.
We will aim to complete your prescription within 48 hours of receiving the request, Monday to Friday.
Reminders about your medication reviews with a doctor will appear in the right-hand-side of your prescription. Please do not order additional prescriptions without complying with your doctor appointment as we may have to refuse the issue of your prescription for safety reasons. You should also check if you require blood tests prior to your medication review.